Returning to the Wild: Embracing Freedom and Ancestral Wisdom with the Spirit of the Wind

Welcome back to the blog! This month, in the Earth + Animal Spirit Tarot Reading for the Collective Dream, we had many beautiful messages come through. I’m excited to break them down with you throughout the month over in the Patreon, but I felt today’s message was meant to be shared on the M+W Blog. So let’s dive right in.

In the journey of life, many of us find ourselves yearning for a deeper connection with our true selves and a sense of freedom that resonates with our wild nature. To embark on this transformative path, it is crucial to take intentional steps towards reclaiming our freedom and reconnecting with the wisdom of our ancestors. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of pursuing personal freedom, the power of ancestral work, the importance of taking risks, and how the spirit of the wind can guide us on this profound journey of self-discovery and growth.

  1. Embracing Personal Freedom

    Personal freedom is essential for living an authentic and fulfilling life. It involves breaking free from societal expectations, self-imposed limitations, and the constraints of conformity. By recognizing and challenging the beliefs and patterns that restrict us, we pave the way for personal growth and self-realization. Embrace the importance of freedom as a fundamental aspect of your being, and take deliberate steps to reclaim it. Because it is yours simply for existing. No purchase necessary, despite what the Powers-That-Were may have intended. Just by being alive, you inherit inalienable rights such as that for toxic-free food, clean water, and a safe shelter. It is imperative for you to understand this.

  2. Reconnecting with Ancestral Wisdom

    Ancestor work is a powerful practice that allows us to honor and learn from the wisdom of those who came before us. By exploring our ancestral roots and understanding the challenges and triumphs of our lineage, we gain valuable insights and guidance. Engaging in rituals, genealogical research, or connecting with elders can help us forge a deeper connection with our ancestral lineage, accessing their strength, resilience, and untamed spirit. Our ancestors hold an important key to reconnecting to our innate wild nature. If you don’t know where you come from, difficult is the path to where you’re going.

  3. The Courage to Take Risks

    Stepping into freedom requires courage and a willingness to take risks. The spirit of the wind inspires us to embrace the unknown, push beyond our comfort zones, and venture into uncharted territories. Taking risks opens doors to new possibilities and allows us to experience growth and transformation. Embrace the spirit of adventure and dare to explore new outcomes by stepping out of familiar patterns and embracing the exhilaration of the unknown.

    1. Utilizing the Spirit of the Wind

      The wind, with its wild and untamed nature, can serve as a powerful guide on our journey towards freedom and self-discovery. It symbolizes the boundless energy and limitless potential that resides within us. By connecting with the spirit of the wind, we tap into its ability to carry us beyond our perceived limitations. It encourages us to surrender to the flow of life, trusting the winds of change to guide us towards our authentic selves. We can work with this energy in our waking lives anytime we feel the wind blow, allowing it to serve as a reminder of the energy you wish to reside in moving forward. Sometimes, the wind will even carry a message with it straight to your heart if you quiet the mind to hear it.

  4. Embracing Transformation and Growth

    Returning to our wild nature involves embracing transformation and allowing ourselves to evolve. We must set a personal precedent to be accepting of change, which is always inevitable, however we tend to forget. Just as the wind shapes and sculpts the landscape, we must be open to change and growth. Embrace the inherent power of transformation, and see challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Through this process, we shed old layers, step into our true essence, and reconnect with our wild nature.

  5. Living Authentically and Free

    As we reclaim our personal freedom, honor our ancestors, take risks, and embrace the spirit of the wind, we unlock the ability to live authentically and free. Embrace your unique essence, celebrate your individuality, and trust in the wisdom and guidance that arise from within. By aligning with your true self, you create a life that reflects your wild nature, allowing your spirit to soar as it was always intended and inspiring others to do the same.

Returning to our wild nature and reclaiming our freedom is a transformative journey that requires courage, self-reflection, and a connection to ancestral wisdom. By taking deliberate steps towards personal freedom, engaging in ancestor work, embracing risks, and harnessing the spirit of the wind, we unlock the door to self-discovery, growth, and living authentically. Embrace the winds of change, honor your ancestral lineage, and embark on a profound journey of returning to your wild nature, where freedom and authenticity flourish.

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May the road rise up to meet you!



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